Record Voice Notes at any time
When children select Clicker Writer's Voice Notes tool, they are given the opportunity to record their own audio notes, allowing them to capture ideas and rehearse sentences before they write.
Rehearse and record ideas
Voice Notes are a great way for children to vocally rehearse their sentences in preparation for writing. Simply select the microphone icon and start recording.
Once you’ve finished, a speech bubble icon will automatically be added to your document. Children can click or tap on the icon to listen to their Voice Note, and also have the option to re-record it as many times as they like until they are happy with it.
Voice Notes also offer a powerful way to record initial ideas, giving children who struggle expressing themselves in written form an opportunity to capture their thoughts without being distracted or held back by the mechanics of writing.
Create logically coherent documents
You can add up to six color-coded Voice Notes to a document. Students tackling longer pieces of writing may find it useful to record a Voice Note for each paragraph, creating an audio plan to help them put together a coherent, logically structured document.
Reinforce writing structures and key points
Voice Notes are also a great tool for teachers; use them to record activity-specific instructions or to create verbal prompts for your learners. This will help them work their way through tasks more independently, focus on the key objectives and organize their writing more effectively.
Develop auditory processing skills
Teachers can also use the Voice Notes tool to record a series of spoken model sentences for a child to listen to, which they would then try to reproduce in written form. This is a useful way to both develop and assess the auditory processing skills of your emergent writers.