Create and edit a Talk Set

What you learned: printable summary

PWA Clicker Talk 1

Create an activity to support children who struggle to express themselves in written form:

  • Open the toolbar. Select  BooksMenu  and choose new Talk Set.
  • Give your activity a title.
  • Pick which type of activity you want to create: Listen & Say, Talk About, or Tell the Story.
  • Go to  Add  and choose where you’d like to search for pictures to add to your activity:
    • Select the pictures you want to use and then click Done.
  • Select  go  to use the Talk Set.
PWA Clicker Talk 2

Edit a Talk Set to provide support or challenge for learners:

  • Open the toolbar. Select  edit  to enter Edit View.
  • Use the Show Text toggle to add the name of the picture to the activity.
  • Choose from the Recordings per picture drop-down box to change the number of recordings you can make for each picture.
  • Choose a colour from the Colours options to change the colour of the pages.
  • Choose from the options to change the type of activity: Listen & Say, Talk About, or Tell the Story.