Crick Software blog

John Crick

SymbolStix diversity update

February 3, 2021

SymbolStix is one of the symbol libraries that we offer as a Clicker add-on for symbol-supported reading and writing. Produced by N2Y, the SymbolStix library is specially configured by us for use with Clicker, to make it easy to use when creating writing grids and other Clicker resources.

We were excited to learn in November of an update to the library to include a bigger variety of skin tones, and we set to work to incorporate the new symbols in the SymbolStix library for Clicker.

The updated library includes a dark, medium, and light skin tone for every symbol that includes a person.

SymbolStix diversity update

If you bought the SymbolStix library from us within the last 12 months, you can upgrade for free – just drop us an email at

We take pride in the diversity of our own (Clicker-included) CrickPix library too – we hope we’re helping you to create high quality resources for all your learners.

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