Clicker Apps for iPad



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Next, activate your licenses so that they will be ready to install.

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Find out how to install the software on your iPads.

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How can I share my Clicker files?

You'd like to share your Clicker files between devices or send them to other people.

How do I save files on iPad?

You've made a file in Clicker / DocsPlus and wish to save it to your device or cloud storage.


Files you create are saved automatically in the corresponding app folder on your iPad (accessible using the Apple Files app).

Therefore, there's no need to explicitly save a file, unless you wish to save a copy elsewhere.

To save a copy of the Document:

  1. Send a copy:
    • Clicker Writer: tap    and choose Send As.
    • DocsPlus: tap  dp-pwa-docs-w32h32  and choose Send As.
  2. Choose a file type:
    • Clicker / DocsPlus Document - compatible with our software.
    • Microsoft Word Document - compatible with Microsoft Word and most other writing tools.
    • Text File - simple plain text without formatting or pictures.
    • PDF - a "digital printout" that can be easily viewed on any device.
  3. Choose an action from the iPad sharing popover. Broadly, these are:
    • AirDrop - share the file with nearby Apple devices.
    • Pass to another app - such as a cloud storage app (e.g. Google Drive) or a non-Apple email app (e.g. Gmail).
    • Perform an iPad action - such as Save to Files or send with Mail.

To save a copy of the Clicker Set / Wordbar:

  1. Send a copy:
    • Clicker Writer: tap    and choose Send As.
    • Clicker Books: tap  books-menu  and choose Send As (if the top toolbar is hidden, tap  books-top-w44h14  to show it).
    • Clicker Talk: tap  talk-menu-w32h30  and choose Send As (if the top toolbar is hidden, tap  talk-top-w44h14  to show it).
    • DocsPlus: tap  dp-pwa-wordbar-w32h32  and choose Send As.
  2. Choose an action from the iPad sharing popover (as above).

About this article
26th June 2020
Last revised
28th April 2022
Applies to
  • Clicker Books for iPad
  • Clicker Talk for iPad
  • Clicker Writer for iPad
  • DocsPlus for iPad
  • DocsPlus Universal for iPad

How do I save files on iPad?

You've made a file in Clicker / DocsPlus and wish to save it to your device or cloud storage.


Files you create are saved automatically in the corresponding app folder on your iPad (accessible using the Apple Files app).

Therefore, there's no need to explicitly save a file, unless you wish to save a copy elsewhere.

To save a copy of the Document:

  1. Send a copy:
    • Clicker Writer: tap    and choose Send As.
    • DocsPlus: tap  dp-pwa-docs-w32h32  and choose Send As.
  2. Choose a file type:
    • Clicker / DocsPlus Document - compatible with our software.
    • Microsoft Word Document - compatible with Microsoft Word and most other writing tools.
    • Text File - simple plain text without formatting or pictures.
    • PDF - a "digital printout" that can be easily viewed on any device.
  3. Choose an action from the iPad sharing popover. Broadly, these are:
    • AirDrop - share the file with nearby Apple devices.
    • Pass to another app - such as a cloud storage app (e.g. Google Drive) or a non-Apple email app (e.g. Gmail).
    • Perform an iPad action - such as Save to Files or send with Mail.

To save a copy of the Clicker Set / Wordbar:

  1. Send a copy:
    • Clicker Writer: tap    and choose Send As.
    • Clicker Books: tap  books-menu  and choose Send As (if the top toolbar is hidden, tap  books-top-w44h14  to show it).
    • Clicker Talk: tap  talk-menu-w32h30  and choose Send As (if the top toolbar is hidden, tap  talk-top-w44h14  to show it).
    • DocsPlus: tap  dp-pwa-wordbar-w32h32  and choose Send As.
  2. Choose an action from the iPad sharing popover (as above).

About this article
26th June 2020
Last revised
28th April 2022
Applies to
  • Clicker Books for iPad
  • Clicker Talk for iPad
  • Clicker Writer for iPad
  • DocsPlus for iPad
  • DocsPlus Universal for iPad
App Name Download How to Install / Trial
writer-app-w32h31  Clicker Writer for iPad Download on the App Store Click here
books-app-w31  Clicker Books for iPad Download on the App Store Click here
talk-app-w35h31  Clicker Talk for iPad Download on the App Store  Click here
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